Hello and welcome to all!

Hello and welcome to all!

Ardor is a small family-owned business started because, well we love...love! Whether it be for your friends, family or significant other. We are happy to provide ways to wear your heart on your sleeve, literally. Our products are all made to order and are designed with love and care.

We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for supporting our small business.

With love,

The Ardor Family

Small Family-Owned Business

Small Family-Owned Business

One of the key advantages of patronizing a family-owned business, like Ardor, is the personal touch and care that goes into every aspect of the operation. Customers can often expect a more intimate shopping experience, with a greater emphasis on building relationships and providing individualized assistance.

Ethically Sourced Cotton

The cotton used in our blanks is carefully selected from ethically sourced suppliers who prioritize fair labor practices and environmental sustainability. By choosing materials that align with our values, we ensure that our products are not only of high quality but also contribute positively to the communities and environments where they originate. This commitment to ethical sourcing is a reflection of our dedication to creating products that are both stylish and socially responsible.

Quality Products

Quality Products

Ardor prioritizes quality over mass production, focusing on craftsmanship and attention to detail. We make it our goal to provide customers with durable and well-made products. Each product is made with love and care.